MBCC 2018 Volume 5 - Update


Then, Thursday night join us for dinner. The first of 4 CME-certified satellite symposia held adjunct to the Miami Breast Cancer Conference®, A Better Way to Stop Pain: Experts Discuss Paths Toward Responsible Postsurgical Pain Management, will focus on preventing and minimizing pain in your patients receiving lifesaving surgery.

From mastectomy to breast reconstruction, the importance of pain management cannot be overstated. Of the more than 70 million patients a year who are prescribed opioids for postsurgical pain, at least 1 in 15 will become addicted. Opioid-sparing approaches must be considered and implemented now more than ever. In 2018, it is up to the surgeon and a multidisciplinary team to initiate that change. This program features a case-based, interactive panel, with expert perspectives in surgery and anesthesiology. Led by Miami Breast Cancer Conference® chair Patrick I. Borgen, MD, the program will focus on pain management strategies and special considerations for your patients.

Before conference proceedings on Friday, join us for breakfast for our second CME-certified satellite symposium, How Do We Leverage PARP Inhibition Strategies in the Contemporary Treatment of Breast Cancer?

In 2017, a breakthrough years in the making changed the treatment landscape for some of our most difficult cases: we saw the first maturation of clinical data on the therapeutic advantages of PARP inhibition in patients with BRCA-positive and BRCA-like breast cancer. As this evidence continues to grow, we must focus on ways to implement new therapies, determine the most effective courses of treatment, and in turn educate our patients on what new treatments entail.

Trial results, other novel agents, and the management of treatment-related toxicities are all covered under this Medical Crossfire®, chaired by PARP investigator Mark Robson, MD. Learn through whatever method suits you best: presentations, interactive discussions, and a roundtable debate. This Crossfire will challenge you to apply what you’ve learned from the main session to some of the most difficult-to-treat breast cancer cases, preparing you to bring it back to clinic.

Then on Saturday, another CME-certified breakfast symposium, Optimizing Outcomes in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: Emerging Evidence and Practical Strategies in Early-Stage Treatment Settings, will address concerns you face with your patients. While patients with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer have seen significant improvement in outcomes due to recent advancements, there are still many challenges concerning the emergence of tumor resistance.

Topics will include understanding mechanisms of resistance, new data to optimize treatment sequencing, and what to do for your patients who do not neatly align with clinical trial populations. Debu Tripathy, MD, and Kimberly Blackwell, MD, co-chairs of the Miami Breast Cancer Conference®, work closely with leading experts Adam Brufsky, MD, PhD, and Hope S. Rugo, MD, to guide attendees through the onslaught of new information. All before leading to the core conference’s final day.

On Sunday, before our final session in Miami, join us for our final CME-certified satellite symposium, Bridging Bench to Bedside™: The Potential for Immunotherapeutic Strategies in Breast Cancer. This breakfast symposium will look toward the future, exploring the use of immunotherapies in treating your patients with breast cancer. From theory to data, learning about the future of medicine prepares your practice to integrate lifesaving therapies as they arise.

Ultimately, you come to Miami to learn. Your dedication to your patients and to bettering their lives drives you to seek the latest in therapeutic advancement. Without you and without that goal in mind, Miami Breast would have no need to exist. Through our Mini-Symposium, multiple satellite symposia, and core conference itself, the Miami Breast Cancer Conference® offers a nonstop educational program in multiple formats. Join us early, join us late, and join us for a meal. For you, for your practice, for your patients— and no matter your preferred style of learning—this is the best CME has to offer. See you soon!

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