CERC 2018 - A Message from the Chair

Patients with diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders face unique challenges in their daily lives that require a focused and collaborative approach to care. Last year, at the inaugural New York Cardio-Endo-Renal Collaborative (NY CERC) we sought to facilitate the regular meeting of dedicated healthcare professionals who treat these patients.

The volume of clinical information regarding cardiometabolic disease is exploding, creating new opportunities—and new challenges—for clinicians. Understanding how this information will impact regimens and optimizing therapies for individual patients is essential.

This year, we hope to continue that conversation. At the 2nd Annual NY CERC we will once again explore the risk factors and comorbidities associated with diabetes, heart failure, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, as well as the impact of cardiovascular disease across all aspects of patient health. In the past year, new data and new strategies have changed the way we should approach patient care. It’s time to meet again.

Please join us Saturday, September 29 in New York!


James Underberg, MD, FACPM, FACP, FNLA

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