Watch Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, MD, Jeff Geschwind, MD, T. Peter Kingham, MD, FACS, and Stacey M. Stein, MD Discuss the Importance of CME

Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, MD, Jeff Geschwind, MD, T. Peter Kingham, MD, FACS, and Stacey M. Stein, MD

Value of Oncology CME

In this video, Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, MD; Jeff Geschwind, MD; T. Peter Kingham, MD, FACS; and Stacey M. Stein, MD, provide reasoning why continuing medical education (CME) allows physicians to provide the best care for their patients. This expert panel stresses the importance of oncology CME and how critical it is for both physicians and their patients. There is an enormous rise in CME because it is important to keep oncologists informed and up-to-date. Oncology CME allows experts in the field to present data, and later synthesize it into clinical context.

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