Watch Patrick I. Borgen, MD; Jeff Gadsden, MD; and Michel Saint-Cyr, MD, Discuss the Importance of CME

Patrick I. Borgen, MD, Jeff Gadsden, MD, Michel, Saint-Cyr, MD

Value of Oncology CME

In this video, Patrick I. Borgen, MD; Jeff Gadsden, MD; and Michel Saint-Cyr, MD, discuss the importance of continuing medical education (CME). It is tough for practicing oncologists to stay up-to-date on the most recent material in oncology. Jeff Gadsden, MD, says, “It’s easy for me to read a study on PubMed or on the internet, but putting that into the context of my own practice is often difficult.” Oncology CME allows clinicians to get a concentrated look at what is important for their area, and incorporate it into their practice. In the end, oncology CME is a win for physicians, a win for hospitals, and a win for patients.

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